Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dinner Dance Outfit

Hello everyone. I attended a dinner dance on Friday night. This is a yearly event that I have been attending for the past couple of years. It's a very formal event where ladies wear fancy gowns. I always promise myself that I will wear a fancy gown each year then, I forget all about it until it's too late. I wore this animal print dress. I am not big on print especial animal prints but I had this dress for over three years, I decided to finally wear it. what do you guys think?.

Dress: similar

Monday, November 18, 2013

Finally Wore Dress Won From Give Away

Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a fun filled weekend. I attended a lovely wedding on Saturday. I finally wore this dress that I won from a give away from a fellow blogger Ania. She's always having some great give away. I won this back in February.  I was super excited when I won check out post (I Won A Give Away) Go check out Ania blog for her latest give away click link for her blog : FASHION
Dress: Here

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New In closet

Hello beauties :) I have been shopping, I hope these coats are as warm as they look. I can't wait to receive them. What do you guys think?

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Funnies

Hi beautiful people. I had a blast yesterday for Halloween. I like Halloween. I think I would like any fun day that will allow me to dress up. Someone asked me yesterday why am I worshiping the devil. Lol. Seriously, do I really look like I am worshiping the devil in my cute flapper dress? That was my reply. Anyway, I do get that some people have hang-ups with Halloween. Maybe there are some eye raising questions with the origins of the day. However, one might ask which holiday doesn't have some eye raising questions. I feel that America was build on top of alot of stuff.  When we start  asking probing questions, it can turn into a never ending process that ends up being quite disturbing. I am sure all the people that dress their kids in costumes and take them out for tricks and treats are not thinking about satanic activities. Let us all focus on the simple saying  "To each his own". I thought these costumes were hilarious and creative. I hope you enjoy some of them too. :)

Ellen Degeneres as Nicki Minaj
Michael Strahan and Kelly Ripa as Kanye and Kim K.
Heidi Klum as a older lady.
Me in my flapper dress.